Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Blogging from Lima

We’ve been seriously lagging behind in our blogging responsibilities. And for that, I (we) apologize. This lag is in no way owing to a dearth of happenings, stories and advancements. In fact, the relationship has been an inverse one: the busier we are at the dormitory, the less productive we are in the sphere of the blogging world. But enough excuses already! Let’s try to bring you all up to date.

The year has been absolutely phenomenal so far. Our new program director, Elena, hopped on a plane from Ohio to Peru and joined the crew in March. Having worked for a similar project in Nicaragua, her experience, forethought and proactive nature have proven to be a huge asset to the program. Thanks to her, our educational program has advanced greatly (she’s implemented a more targeted tutorial strategy led by several professors and has developed systems to monitor and track the advancement of each student, just to name a few), and with every passing day, we make strides towards our long-term academic objectives. Elena, of course, is quite well spoken, and well written should I add. She promises to give you all an example of her astute abilities via blog… maybe one of these days you will be hear from her directly!

Currently, I myself am in Lima, and though I am thrilled to be in a new environment of contemporary happenings, steady gray skies, family and endless traffic, I would much rather be back in Ollantaytambo with the students of the dormitory. Especially as we find ourselves in a moment replete with activities and happenings.

I am particularly excited for the arrival of the spring (fall for some of you) season that will be marked by the arrival of a slew of long-term volunteers. This September and October alone we will be welcoming volunteers John, Alicia, Ana, Cheryl & Caroline. I would divulge on how these philanthropic individuals will be aiding the dormitory, but I will let suspense build and promise to write about their work and contributions in greater length in the months to come.

One last thing I’d like to mention in this hardly brief, but much needed blog update. You all have not had the chance to be formally introduced to the six new students of the dormitory. Long overdue, indeed, but I promise to have their pictures and individually written bios available in the near to not so distant future!

Thank you all for your continued support and dedication to the program. If you would like to join our newsletter, you can sign up via our website. Also, make sure to keep up with the daily happenings of the dormitory & the state of affairs in Peru via our Facebook & Twitter!

Website: http://sacredvalleyproject.org/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/sacredvalleyproject
Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/sacredvalleyorg

Wishing everyone a lovely end to the summer (or winter!),


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